If you’re really looking for something exciting and different to do this weekend, on Sunday June 10,
The Escape from Alcatraz triathlon is happening in San Francisco. (( This is the one they show on TV. ))
I highly recommend going over and watching at least some portion of it. There are all levels of athletes, from Olympians to amateur athletes, and no matter the skill level, it is very inspirational to observe such dedicated people.
From the EFA website,” The Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon includes a 1.5 mile swim from Alcatraz Island in the San Francisco Bay. The race continues with an 18 mile bike ride out the Great Highway, through the Golden Gate Park, and concludes with an 8 mile run through the Golden Gate National Recreation
Area. The finish is at The Marina Green.” http://www.escapefromalcatraztriathlon.com/
Also, if you are interested, they always need more volunteers http://efat.troutco.com/
What else can you do this weekend?
42nd Annual Live Oak Park Fair in Berkeley, June 9, 10am-6pm http://www.liveoakparkfair.com/
Golden Gate Bridge Outdoor Film Night: Superman. June 9, 6pm, Presidio Main Post Lawn.
World Oceans Day 2012, Beach volunteer day, June 10, 9am at Aquatic Park.
Haight-Ashbury Street Fair, Sunday June 10, 11-5:30. http://www.haightashburystreetfair.org/

Toothpick Golden Gate Bridge Exhibit. Hyatt Regency Lobby, Embarcadero Center, San Francisco.
What great recommendations! I'd appreciate seeing a post for exciting fun stuff to do every weekend!